The Prisoners Building Homes programme was set up to enable prisoners to be employed and trained by modular housing providers to build low carbon, modular homes for local communities and vulnerable people. It provides an opportunity to reduce reoffending by ensuring prisoners have the skills they need to help secure employment upon their release.
The Prisoners Building Homes (PBH) Programme is led by the five South West Police and Crime Commissioners under the auspices of the South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership (with representatives from HM Prison and Probation Service, Ministry of Justice, the Police, NHS England, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Youth Justice Board, Department of Work & Pensions, South West Councils, and the Voluntary Sector).
Mark chairs the programme board and has seen it from inception to delivery of homes and know it makes a huge difference for the employment prospects of prisoners on release.
Six homes are due to be sited in Bristol during May with the plan for many more to follow.
By training prisoners in building skills it equips them for life on release, gives a focus for rehabilitation and the end product is providing affordable homes on small sites - helping to relieve the need for housing in our towns and cities.
The Programme won a prestigious national Government Property Award (2023) for innovative collaboration for bringing together public and private sector partners to unlock land and deliver affordable, high-quality, low carbon, sustainable modular homes nationally; while creating job opportunities for serving prisoners and prison leavers to enable them to turn their lives around and reduce the cycle of reoffending.
Find out more by watching this video.
The Public Sector Client Handbook explains the Programme in more detail.
Learn more about the Government Property Award Prisoners Building Homes scheme wins prestigious award
Other quotes/accolades Quotes and accolades
For more information on the Programme please email Sophie Baker at [email protected]